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Sustainability reports

The table below was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). The page referred to in the table is found in the 2023 Integrated Annual Report.

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Integrated Annual Report

Airlines Sustainability Accounting Standard

Volaris Material Topic SASB Topic SASB Code Accounting Metric Report Location or Response
Occupational safety Accident & safety management TR-AL-540a.1 Description of implementation and outcomes of a Safety Management System. Our Customers – Safety.
TR-AL-540a.2 Number of aviation accidents. Our Customers – Safety.
TR-AL-540a.3 Number of governmental enforcement actions of aviation
safety regulations.
In 2023, Volaris was not subject to any governmental enforcement actions of aviation safety regulations.
Compliance Competitive behavior TR-AL-520a.1 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal
proceedings associated with anticompetitive behavior
Our Corporate Governance –Regulatory Compliance.
Climate change strategy Greenhouse gas emissions TR-AL-110a.1 Gross global Scope 1 emissions. Our Climate Change Strategy
– Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions.
TR-AL-110a.2 Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets. Our Climate Change Strategy
– Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions.

Our Climate Change Strategy
– Our Emissions Reductions Pathway and Progress.

TR-AL-110a.3 (1) Total fuel consumed, (2) percentage alternative, (3) percentage sustainable. (1) Our Climate Change Strategy – Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions.

(2-3) No alternative or sustainable fuel used in 2023.

Operational efficiency Activity metrics TR-AL-000.A Available Seat Kilometers (ASK). 62,587,562,708 km
TR-AL-000.B Passenger load factor. Our Customers – Operational Efficiency.
TR-AL-000.C Revenue Passenger Kilometers (RPK). Our Customers – Operational Efficiency.
TR-AL-000.D Revenue Ton Kilometers (RTK). Our Customers – Operational Efficiency.
TR-AL-000.E Number of departures. We Are Volaris.

Our Customers – Operational Efficiency.

TR-AL-000.F Average age of fleet. Our Climate Change Strategy – Fleet Renewal and Technology Upgrades.
Talent attraction and retention Labor practices TR-AL-310a.1 Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements. Our Ambassadors – Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining.
TR-AL-310a.2 (1) Number of work stoppages and (2) total days idle. We do not disclose this information at this time.
For more information on our labor relations, please refer to the Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining section of the Our Ambassadors chapter.